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Helena Pielichaty

Girls FC 1: Do Goalkeepers Wear Tiaras?

Girls FC 1: Do Goalkeepers Wear Tiaras?

Join the Girls FC as they show the world what it really means to play "like a girl"!

“My name is Megan Fawcett and this is the story of how I set up the best football team in the world. Get ready for kick-off!” Nine-year-old Megan Fawcett loves football and is desperate to be on her school team. She tries everything to get the coach to notice her (even wearing a tiara!), but nothing seems to do the trick. Then Megan has her big brainwave: she could start her own team. An all-girls team! Now she just needs a pitch, a coach – oh, and ten other players… This is the first in a series of fun, topical early readers; join the Girls FC as they take the world by storm!

"This book makes football a fun activity that isn’t just for boys and I hope reading the series will encourage more girls to get involved in sport from an early age." – Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson

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