The Bestest Big Brother, Ever
The Bestest Big Brother, Ever
I love my big brother, Felix. And he loves me, too. We are best friends. We invented wrestling. We can read each other’s MINDS. We can take over the WORLD together. He is the bestest big brother ever.
Nano loves his big brother, Felix, but sometimes Felix gets annoyed and frustrated - he wants some SPACE; he's fed up of Nano following him around. Feeling hurt and sad after Felix bans him from the garden treehouse, Nano decides he can make his own fun. He doesn't need anyone else. But when his game goes wrong, and he ends up feeling even worse than he already did, there's only one person who knows exactly how to cheer him up. Can you guess who that is? Writing from his own fraternal experience, as well as being a dad to two lively boys, Ben Mantle has written a heartfelt, funny and completely relatable picture book that will give children the confidence to try and sort out their own differences with their siblings.